


Adrian Mogos


PAP Media Przysz≥oúci, Debata: Wojna w mediach


Alexandru Giboi is the Secretary General of the European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA) and new lecturer on International Strategic Management at the Università della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano, Switzerland.

Elected by the General Assembly of EANA in September 2018, then reelected in October 2021, Alexandru Giboi had previously been the General Director and President of the

Directors’ Council of AGERPRES, the Romanian National News Agency. He was a member of the EANA Board between 2015 and 2018. Also, he was Secretary General of ABNA-SE – the Association of Balkan News Agencies between 2014 and 2018, and also acting President of the same organisation for one year between 2013 and 2014.
Alexandru Giboi is an experienced manager and PR expert. Passionate about organisational & societal evolution, he is also a global consultant and public speaker on topics like management, news agencies & news media in general, disinformation and information literacy & its impact on our societies. Strong business development professional skilled in Business Networking, Management, PR, Media & Stakeholder Relations, Crisis Management, Political Communication and Government.

Has delivered speeches and presentations at universities in Switzerland, Albania, Azerbaijan, Moldova and Romania as well as during multiple international events and conferences all over Europe & in the Middle East.

Alexandru Giboi is the co-founder of Evolution Consulting, a Swiss business intelligence company, and honorary president of the Evolution Society, a Swiss NGO focused on providing developing countries with tools needed for the overall evolution of their societies, especially concerning media development. “



Barçın Yinanç is a journalist specializing in Turkey’s foreign policy and international relations.
She writes analysis and opinion articles for the news portal T24 and other outlets. Her articles in English are published in several outlets like TurkeyinDepth, Turkey Analyst. She also provides comments to news channels. Yinanç started her career in Ankara in 1990, working as a diplomatic reporter for 15 years before moving to İstanbul to work for CNN Türk. Until September 2020 she was the opinion editor of the English language Hürriyet Daily News, where her columns were also published. Yinanç is invited to speak or moderate numerous meetings of UN bodies, such as UNDP, and think tanks, such as the German Marshall Fund, Chatham House, and Warsaw Security Forum.
She is a member of the Diplomatic Reporters Association, Scientific Committee of Paris Bosphorus Institute, Board Member of the Berlin Istanbul Initiative, Global Relations Forum, the Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM). She is also a member of the Women in Foreign Policy Platform.

Barçın Yinanç speaks fluent English and French.



Boris Raonic is from Podgorica, Montenegro. Graduated in law, during his studies he was one of the founders of the first NGOs in Montenegro. He worked as a journalist until 1999, and in 2000 he began his engagement in the civil sector.

He is the author of numerous texts in the field of dialogue, tolerance, political culture and dispute resolution, and was also the producer of several documentaries.

He was a member of the National Council for European Integration (Nacionalni savjet za evropske integracija), the governing bodies of several NGOs, the Council of the Agency for Electronic Media (Savjeta Agencije za elektronske medije), the Parliamentary Committee for Amendments to Electoral Legislation (Skupštinskog Odbora za izmjenu
izbornog zakonodavstva), the Ethics Committee of the Police Administration (Etičkog odbora Uprave policije) and several working groups for drafting legal solutions.

He is a member of numerous international networks in the field of political culture, human rights and leadership. He was the director of the School of Political Studies (Škola političkih studija).

Boris is also an international ski instructor, and his hobbies are mountain biking, basketball and football.



Director, Media Programme for South East Europe Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
Christoph Plate is Director of the Media Programme for South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, based in Sofia, Bulgaria. In the 1990s he worked as contributing Africa Correspondent for the German Newsmagazine “Der Spiegel”, based in Nairobi, Kenya, reporting the war in Somalia and the genocide in Rwanda. Thereafter he covered the Middle East for ten years as editor and reporter for the Sunday edition of “Neue Zuercher Zeitung” in Switzerland. Before joining the Foundation, he was the Deputy Editor-in-chief of “Schwaebische Zeitung”, a big regional newspaper in Southwestern Germany. For the past six years he was head of the Media Programme Sub-Sahara Africa, based in Johannesburg, South Africa.



Daria Grudić is a Distribution Manager in the Distribution Europe department at Deutsche Welle. Her main responsibilities include the distribution of DW content in the Benelux countries, along with the distribution of the German News Service project in Europe, with a special emphasis on the Balkan countries. Daria’s academic journey led her to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism in Zagreb, Croatia. She worked for 8 years as a journalist and editor across various media platforms in Croatia, spanning from online and radio to magazines. In 2015 she moved to the Netherlands to pursue a Master’s degree in Media Innovation. In 2021, Daria joined the Distribution Europe team at Deutsche Welle and moved to Germany







Marijana IMG_0484


Marijana Kadic Bojanic is the executive director of Television Vijesti and Daily Press, which includes the daily newspaper Vijesti and the Vijesti web portal. Media under the Vijesti brand are the most trusted media outlets in Montenegro. Television Vijesti, where she served as editor, has been the most-watched television channel in Montenegro for years. The independent daily newspaper Vijesti has been the most influential daily for over a quarter of a century, while the web portal www.vijesti.me has been the most widely read in the country for over a decade.

Kadic Bojanic graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Niksic, Montenegro. She began her career in media as a journalist for the weekly newspaper Monitor in 1999.

She has received several awards. In 2005, she received the Institute for Media Award for Investigative Journalism. The “Iskra” Philanthropy Award was presented to her in 2012. In 2017, she was named the best manager by the Union of Employers, and in 2020, she received the Best Manager Award from the Association of Managers of Montenegro for her business achievements. In 2022, she was also awarded a special recognition by the Association for her contribution to media management.

Kadic Bojanic is involved in humanitarian work and is an environmental activist. She has received the Green Star for environmental preservation and has been named an international ambassador for environmental protection.

She is married and a mother of three children.



Michelle Roverelli is Director of Member Relations and Communications at the European Broadcasting Union (EBU).

As part of the EBU’s senior leadership team, Michelle is responsible for Member and Institutional Relations, supporting EBU Members in 56 countries and championing the values and needs of public service media in Europe and beyond. Michelle also leads marketing, communications and events for the organization.

Rome native, Michelle joined the EBU in 2007 as a senior communications officer. She was appointed Head of Communications in 2011, and took over the responsibilities for marketing, branding and events in 2018 before being appointed Director.

Prior to joining the EBU, she held senior roles in two global public affairs and communications consultancies in Brussels and Geneva. She also has extensive experience with some of the most influential lobbies in Brussels.

Michelle is multi-lingual and graduated in Political Science from Luiss Guido Carli University in Rome; she also holds a Masters in EU Policy and Economics from the Université Libre de Bruxelles.



Milka Tadić Mijović is a Montenegrin journalist, media executive and international human rights activist. She is one of the co-founders of the weekly Monitor, the first Montenegrin private and independent weekly magazine (September 1990). During the ‘90s, she was actively engaged in the anti-war movement.

She was the first journalist dismissed from job in Montenegro for articles critical of President Slobodan Milosevic’s nationalistic policies. Her wartime reports, analytical columns and radio and TV interviews, as well as investigative articles on organised crime and corruption in Montenegro and the region have been translated and published or quoted by leading international media.

She has received both numerous threats and journalistic excellence awards for articles exposing corruption and other government wrongdoings. Reporters without Borders included Mrs Tadic Mijovic in their first ever list of “100 Information Heroes” (https://rsf.org/en/hero/milka-tadic-mijovic).

She served on the Council of Europe Steering Committee on the Mass Media and as member of the Open Society Foundations Board in Montenegro and the Joint Commission on Media Policy of the Duke University & City of Vienna. She is a Courrier des Balcans Board member since 2010.

She holds a Master’s degree in political science and journalism from University of Montenegro, and a Bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Belgrade.

Milka Tadic Mijovic is president and journalist of the Centre for Investigative Journalism of Montenegro since 2016. Her investigative reporting articles are primarily focused on topics related to human rights, high-level corruption, rule of law, freedom of media and destruction of nature.



Nenad Zečević (1973, Podgorica, Montenegro) is chief executive officer (CEO) and editor-in-chief of Daily newspaper „Pobjeda“ from Podgorica, Montenegro.
In his almost 25 years long career, he performed the duties of editor, correspondent, author of expert analyzes and journalist. He has also worked in various media – from print to electronic media. His main areas of expertise are political and social analyzes for Montenegro, but also for Western Balkan region.
He was an editor-in-chief in Public broadcaster “Radio and Television of Montenegro – RTCG” (Podgorica, Montenegro) in 2001 and 2002.
He was a media consultant for European Union – Delegation of EU in Montenegro (Podgorica, Montenegro) in 2004 and 2005.
At the same time, he was also working as a journalist – correspondent from Montenegro for significant US media, “The Financial Times” (2004 – 2005) and “National Public Radio – NPR” (2004 – 2006).
Zečević was a full-time journalist and editor in Daily newspaper “Publika” (Podgorica, Montenegro) from 2005 to 2008.
He was one of the founders, journalist and editor in News website “Portal Analitika” from 2009 to 2014.
Last ten years Zečević is one of key names in Daily newspaper “Pobjeda”. He was journalist, editor and deputy editor-in-chief, before he became CEO and editor-in-chief in July 2024.



Oliver Vujovic is a co-founder of the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) and since 2000 has been SEEMO Secretary General. Vujovic worked as a journalist and Balkan correspondent for the Austrian daily Die Presse between 1991 and 2000, and as a freelancer for different media in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and the UK. He also worked in the marketing department of the German company Henkel. He graduated in economics and is currently working on a PhD at the University of Vienna. Vujovic started his professional work as a journalist for Radio Indeks 202 (Radio Belgrade) in Belgrade (1988) and worked from the founding for Radio B92 in Belgrade (1989). In 2000 and 2001, he served as Director of the Vienna Balkan publication Südosteuropäischer Dialog, and Director and Advisor of the Kulturzentrum in Vienna.

Vujovic is also a founder and Deputy Director of the South-East and Central Europe PR Organisation (SECEPRO) in Vienna and of the International Institute – International Media Center in Vienna. He is also co-founder and Deputy Director of the International Academy in Belgrade. He is author, co-editor, editor, and publisher of numerous books, magazines, publications, research articles, and research papers.
Oliver Vujovic was member of different boards.
Currently he is member of the ECPMF (Leipzig, Germany) Supervisory Board.



I am a Member of the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Moldova since December 2021. My priorities as member of this institution are mainly focused on improving the quantity and quality of media contents dedicated to arts and culture, but also on ensuring correct information and fighting propaganda in the specific regional context after February 24, 2022.

Prior to this, I was the Head of the Arts and Creative Industries Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova and the National Coordinator of the Creative Europe Desk Moldova. During the 8 years I worked for the Ministry I was mainly involved in the fields of cultural diplomacy and international cooperation, and in drafting policies regarding public libraries and performing, plastic and visual arts. I was also responsible for the cooperation between the Ministry of Culture and the cultural Civil Society Organizations, especially regarding the annual cultural projects financed by the Government. I also started my PhD on a theme related to cultural management, was member of the Council of the National Film Center and of the Administrative Board of ARTCOR – the first Creative Industries Hub from Moldova.





Born and raised in Sarajevo BiH. Graduated from Faculty of Journalism. Over 33 years of professional experience in media, strategic communication, communication strategies, conducting, overseeing, implementing and coordinating major awareness raising activities in BiH and in the Western Balkans (working within the EU, UN, US funded projects). Extensive experience in communication, working with media, journalists, civil society, political parties and governments, business community, public institutions, international organisations in BiH and the SEE. As a journalist, worked with Omladinski radio and Oslobođenje, later in in the war for within the correspondence offices of Youmiuri Shimbun and CNN. Worked with OSCE as Senior Media Advisor. Together with group of authors developed Media White Book for BiH. Was a President of IAA BIH- international advertising/media and PR association for BiH; a Cofounder and representative of BIH in South East Europe Media Organisation- SEEMO (working for 22 years with media and CSOs, youth in the Western Balkans); was a Chairwoman of the Stability Pact Media working group for BiH, member, Board of Directors ABC (Media research association), Member Board of Directors Balkan Youth Foundation, Director of the SECEPRO (South East Central Europe PR organisation for 30 countries in the region). For more than 22 years runs BORAM communication agency. In last 7 years works as Communication/ media expert for Ja bih u EU. In this role participated in development of Law on transparency of media Ownership in BiH and BiH Law on advertising. Works with media, journalists and youth within project Youth for Better Media, worked on project on digital harassment of female journalists within the project GoDIgital Against Harassment.



Serbeze Haxhiaj is an investigative journalist and news editor based in Pristina, Kosovo, who focuses on corruption, human rights, security issues, religious extremism, terrorism, and war crimes. She is currently an editor at Radio Television of Kosovo and a journalist for the Balkaninsight.
Haxhiaj previously worked for the daily newspapers Rilindja, Zeri, Lajm, and Koha Ditore and was the correspondent in Pristina for Le Courrier des Balkans. She has recently been published in The Financial Times, Der Standard, Neue Zurcher Zeitung, Voice of America, World Politics Review, and Al Jazeera. She also has worked for five years as a researcher for Navanti, an American research, and analysis company.
For her reporting on war crimes, human rights, organized crime, corruption, and violence against women, she has received 19 awards from various local and international organizations, including European Union in 2020.

Vuk Maras




Vuk Vujnovic currently serves as Press and Information Officer at the European Union’s Delegation in Montenegro.
Previously, he held several senior positions in public sector communications, including leading the Montenegrin Government’s Public Relations Service, and serving as a Public Affairs Specialist at Montenegro’s Mission to the European Union in Brussels and communications advisor to a Deputy Prime Minister.
Vuk is the author of internationally acclaimed public engagement and communication projects and one of the founders and former Secretary-General of SEECOM, Europe’s first trans-national association of public sector
In recent years, he has had numerous international speaking engagements on the topics of public communication, good governance and public diplomacy, including at events in the United States, UK, Belgium, Italy, Turkey and
across South East Europe.



Vincenzo Le Voci is the Secretary-General of the Club of Venice, the network of the communications directors from the European Union member states and institutions and from countries candidate to the EU membership. He has fulfilled this role since 2011.
He is a longstanding European civil servant, having worked for the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU for 32 years. Since 2001 he is in the Directorate-General of Communication, where he is currently responsible for Transparency and Information Policy matters. Before joining the EU, he worked 7 years for NATO in administration management and logistics, as a US Air Force – DOD official.
Vincenzo owns a master degree cum lauda in foreign languages and literatures (University of Cagliari) and attended courses of modern history, European Integration and management in Belgium and at Maryland and MIT universities. He is giving lectures to universities and to international conferences on crisis communication, public diplomacy and capacity building in Europe and overseas.
He contributes articles and essays for communications and public diplomacy books and magazines. He is also the co-editor of four compendiums on public communication and, since 2013, a semi-annual review (Convergences) of the Club of Venice focused on the top communication challenges and priorities for governmental and institutional
In 2018 Vincenzo was conferred by the University of Calabria and the Municipality of Ventotene (the home of Altiero Spinelli’s Manifesto) the Europa Prize “in recognition of his high commitment to communication and information aimed at encouraging andstrengthening public and diplomatic relations between governmental and institutional communicators”.

zeljko ivanovic


Having devoted my whole life to independent media and democracy, I can say that being a free journalist and managing free media will bring you a small victory of reliable information over fake news, a victory of the rule of law over corruption and cronyism, a victory of public interest journalism over yellow journalism and propaganda.
Independent and free journalism is ultimately a victory of ethics over depravity.


Board President at Vijesti Media Group, Podgorica
2018 — Present
Vijesti Media Group encompasses newspaper Vijesti, app and web portal Vijesti and TV Station Vijesti. According to the independent research, Vijesti is the most trusted TV Station, news app and web portal brand in Montenegro.
• Participated in board meetings to provide guidance and advice on strategic decisions and vision of Vijesti Media Group
• Collaborated with the board of directors to create a culture of transparency and accountability
• Guided the board of directors in making decisions that resulted in improved operational efficiency and cost savings
• Collaborated with the board of directors to ensure compliance with corporate governance standards

CEO at Daily Press, Podgorica
2007 — 2018
Daily Press, LLC is a publisher of Vijesti, the first independent daily news paper in Montenegro. Today, Daily Press encompasses publishing, printing and distribution operations.
• Day-to-day management of the company
• Grew the company’s revenue through effective marketing and sales strategies
• Negotiated key contracts with customers and vendors
• Established yearly objectives, areas of opportunity and goals related to sales and budgeting

Managing Editor at Daily Press (Vijesti), Podgorica
2001 — 2006
• Created an editorial calendar to plan and manage editorial policy and content production
• Managed and supervised Editor-in-Chef, a team of writers, editors and designers to produce high-quality content on a tight deadline
• Coordinated editorial and commercial side of publishing in the newspaper
• Led the biggest publishing project in the Western Balkans that resulted in the sale of 3 million books in Montenegro, The book collection included literary books, encyclopedias, art books, fiction, etc

Managing Director at Daily Press (Vijesti), Podogrica
1997 — 2001

Managing Director at Monitor, Podgorica
1994 — 1997
Monitor is a leading and only independent current affairs weekly news magazine on Montenegrin and regional politics, economics, society and cultural issues.
• Day-to-day management of the company
• Managed and supervised editor-in-chef

Editor-in-Chef at Alternative Informative Network (AIM), Podogrica
1993 — 1997
AIM was a network of journalists and media people from all over the former Yugoslavia that covered events during the wars in the former Yugoslavia.
• Created and managed editorial policy of the network.
• Coordinated the work of network journalists.
Journalist and Editor at Monitor, Podogrica
1991 — 1994

Editor Assistant at Monitor
1990 — 1991

Commentator at Radio France International (RFI), Desk for Yugoslavia,
1990 — 1994

Editorial Assistant at Nin Weekly Magazine, Belgrade
1990 — 1991
NIN was a leading current affairs weekly news magazine in the former Yugoslavia, focusing on domes-tic,regional and international politics, economics, and social issues.
• Coordinated and managed editorial content from Montenegro

Co-owner and Editor at KRUG, Podogrica
1989 — 1990
Krug was a first political magazine in Montenegro. The magazine covered issues related to society and the wars in the former Yugoslavia, with a strong anti-war emphasis.

Transatlantic Leadership Network (TLN) award for commentary and criticism, Washington, D.C. September 2022
TLN is a nonpartisan, independent, international network of practitioners, private sector leaders and policy analysts dedicated to strengthening and reorienting transatlantic relations to the rapidly changing dynamics of a globalizing world, based in Washington, D.C..

Author of two books, Podgorica
• Montenegrin Disneyland (2002) – political satire, published in English and Montenegrin
• The Kite Runner (‘Lovac na zmajeve’) (2019) – book containing most notable columns published in newspaper Vijesti, from period 2010 to 2019




Graduated in International Relations and Diplomacy at the University of Trieste, Barbara Fabro is Senior Executive Officer at the Central European Initiative (CEI) – Executive Secretariat. She is responsible for the CEI activities and programmes in the fields of intercultural cooperation and media. She is the Focal Point for the
CEI Parliamentary Dimension. She runs the CEI partnership with the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) in the context of the annual South East Europe Media Forum and coordinates the CEI SEEMO Award for Outstanding Merits in Journalism.
Previously, she was in charge of communication and media relations and coordinated the CEI working groups/networks of experts in the fields of culture, education, minorities, media. As short-term observer, she participated in OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Missions.



With a background in communications and journalism, he joined OBC Transeuropa in 2019.
Since then, he has been in charge of promoting syndication and media uptake within the European Data Journalism Network. Since 2024, he has been in charge of coordinating the network on the editorial and project management side.
He is also project officer for the Collaborative and Investigative Journalism Initiative, where OBC Transeuropa is involved as regional hub for South and Southeast Europe.



Goran Đurović is the director of the non-governmental organization Media Center (Podgorica, Montenegro). In the previous years, he has prepared models of media laws in Montenegro (Media Law, Law on Audiovisual Media Services and Law on Radio and Television of Montenegro -RTCG). He participated as a member of the working group in the drafting of the Medical Strategy and three media laws. He did several analyzes on the work of the Agency for Electronic Media, RTCG as well as media work environment in Montenegro. He was a member of the Council of Radio and Television of Montenegro since July 2009 until December 2017, nominated by NGOs. Goran Djurovic was a head of Montenegrin office of the regional EU project “Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organizations” (TACSO) in period September 2009. -November 2017. (www.tacso.org ). He graduated on the Law faculty on University of Montenegro. He has successfully completed a number of alternative education programs in the field of organizational development and democratic leadership. From 1999 to 2009 he was on positions of Program Director and Executive Director of the Centre for Development of NGOs (www.crnvo.me ). He was a President of the Managing Board of the Coalition of NGOs-By Cooperation towards the Goal in period 2006-2017 (www.saradnjomdocilja.org ). He is trainer and consultant in strategic planning, managing advocacy campaigns, project management, organizational management, fundraising, human resources development, etc… As a consultant in these areas is often engaged in various projects by non-governmental organizations, international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, local government, state public authorities. He has given numerous lectures at national and international conferences on the topics of media freedom, public broadcaster functioning, development of NGOs and civil society and the state of the NGO sector in Montenegro, and has published several documents on the cooperation of the state and non-governmental organizations, citizen’s participation in decision making process.



Jure Tepina is a Slovenian journalist and editor-in-chief of the website 24ur.com. That is his main responsibility for the past six years. He has been working as a journalist for 27 years and has begun his journalistic career as a sports journalist at RTV Slovenia, working as a presenter and sports commentator. For the past 14 years, he has
been part of the newsroom of the commercial POPTV. In addition to leading the highest rated website in Slovenia, he is also in charge of covering breaking news and events. He has reported on terrorist attacks throughout Europe, he did multiple reporting tours to Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea, Chechnya, and has just returned from Ukraine for the second time.



Marina Constantinoiu studied journalism at Bucharest University and began her career as a journalist during her first semester of studies. With nearly 33 years of experience in the field, she has held various significant roles, including Head of the Foreign Desk, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Editor-in-Chief, and Project Coordinator. Her career has spanned across different media platforms, starting with public radio, national daily newspapers, press agencies, and online multimedia news websites.

In addition to her extensive professional background, Marina is actively involved in various media organizations. She serves as a board member of SEEMO (South East Europe Media Organization) and is a member of EJA (European Journalists Association) and CLEW (Clean Energy Wire Network). Marina has received two awards for investigative journalism and is an alumna of the Robert Bosch Foundation’s “Reporters in the Field” media program and the IJP (Internationale Journalisten Programme), the German-Central Eastern European Bursary program.
Furthermore, Marina shares her knowledge and expertise by teaching journalism at Bucharest University, specifically at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, where she works with MA students.



Sasa Lekovic is the President of NGO Investigative Journalism Center, based in Croatia. From 2015 to 2018 he was a president of the Croatian Journalists Association. He is freelance reporter, editor, trainer and media consultant from 2003 and Nacional weekly Assistant Editor-in-chief as well from 2024.

Lekovic is journalist for the past 45 years working in different position in local and national print media in Croatia. He is one of the founders of a Zagreb-based national daily “Jutarnji list”. He also has expertise in radio, TV and web media in Croatia as well in South East Europe region.

As a reporter and editor as well as a licensed investigative reporting trainer and lecturer he has worked with a few hundred of journalists and journalism students, mostly in South East Europe but also in other European countries as well as and in Armenia, Bangladesh, Israel/ Palestine, Nigeria…

Sasa Lekovic is one of the founders of Global Investigative Journalism Network.

Recently he is also Assistant Editor in Chief for international projects in Croatian weekly Nacional.